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Medication errors: Action plan

Published by EMA on 16-Apr-2014   The European Medicines Agency and the National Competent Authorities of the European Union (EU) have agreed an action plan to address the issue of medication errors, a major public-health burden. The overall objective of this plan is…

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EMA and FDA strengthen collaboration in pharmacovigilance area

Published by EMA on 19-Feb-2014   The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have set up a new ‘cluster’ on pharmacovigilance (medicine safety) topics. Building on the experience of previous regular videoconferences between the EMA and the FDA in…

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Who are the originators of innovative medicines in the EU?

Published by EMA on 31-Jan-2014 Over 40% of innovative medicines recommended for marketing authorisation in the European Union (EU) between 2010 and 2012 originated from small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academia, public bodies and public-private partnerships, according to an article published today…

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Updated List of Medicinal Products under Additional Monitoring

EMA publishes an updated List of Medicinal Products under Additional Monitoring (Rev 8, 29-Jan-2014) The list of medicines under additional monitoring includes medicines authorised in the European Union (EU) that are being monitored particularly closely by regulatory authorities. Medicines under…

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FDA Pharmacovigilance Guidances planned to be Published in 2014

Some of the Pharmacovigilance-related Guidances planned to be Published in 2014 (New & Revised) Content, Format and Submission of Adverse Event Reports by Human Drug Compounding Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format – Postmarketing Safety Reports Adverse Events: Collection and…

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MHRA- GPvP Inspections: Compliance Report due

The MHRA risk-based inspection process uses information provided to the MHRA on a Compliance Report which is to be completed every 2 years. The resulting risk assessments are ranked and inspections prioritised for the companies with the highest risk assessment scores.…